We The Curious
Gravitywell has partnered on digital projects with the iconic We The Curious (formerly 'At Bristol Science Centre') since 2014.
The first major project was design and development of a new website. The initial phase focused on usability issues like design for mobile devices and the addition of a comprehensive new ticketing system. We also decided it was crucial to capture the sense of excitement and wonder that a visit to the centre itself creates.
The process was notable for close collaboration between the teams from We The Curious and Gravitywell - it produced excellent results despite the immense complexity of the project. During various intense workshops we broke down different user-stories and concentrated on delivering simple and intuitive journeys throughout the website.
One of the major problems with the previous site was 'Content Creep' - over time more and more pages were added to meet various emerging requirements. The quantity quickly became unmanageable. For the new website we developed a structure that would ensure this didn't happen in the future and the site will stay focused on the user's requirements.
The technical aspect was a challenge because we had to work within the constraints of the client’s existing systems and processes. We used open-source software as far as possible. It was also important to maintain a level of flexibility without complexity so that the We The Curious team could take over management of the site’s content very easily.
The launch was a success and we look forward to working with We The Curious on major updates in the new year.

Gravitywell was also asked to help build a photo library for the Science Centre. Our designer, Matt, worked closely with the marketing team at We The Curious to write a photography brief as well as conduct the photoshoot itself.